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What Happens When: You're a missionary with a mustache


How is everyone? Thanks so much for your letters, emails, and packages! I really really really appreciate all the love! You guys are THE BEST.

This week we had the best Halloween for many reasons:

1. It's not any healthier in the MTC bubble vs. trick-or-treating outside.

2. We got many many packages - thanks mom- and had a big 10 min party in our classroom... yep the other districts were totes jealous.

3. MUSTACHES RULE. Dear roomies from this past summer, you got me started with the mustache love when we went to the movies that one time.

4. we dressed up as eachother for the whole day. name tags n'all.

5. THEY PUT UP CHRISTMAS LIGHTS on all the trees for the early 6:00 walk in the dark to get our daily fix of boiled eggs.

So.. Best. Day. Ever.

Can you believe Sunday was my 1/2 way point in the MTC? yeah me neither. Seriously I refuse to believe I only have 4 more weeks to learn this language before I will be in KAMPUCHIA!!! I know. I'm going crazy already.

We got a new referral this week and he ( along with a good amount of cambodia) cannot read. So, I will have to pick up this reading thing quite quickly. On the bright side, I was told they have all the Harry Potter books in Kampuchia... therefore, I must read khmer! #newlifegoals (post mish of course). In our TRC lesson this week the volunteer wanted to read 1 scripture. Of course we agreed, and then he asked US to read it... um... I really would've but we would've been there until January. 1 Scripture probably in reality takes about 45 minutes.. but still. Slowly but surely we are picking it up :)

Funny Language story of the week #1:

we were teaching Radii last week and at the end of the lesson we asked him to pray. All the other times before this lesson he had prayed perfectly fine, all was well... Until this one lesson. As he goes to pray, he kneels and folds his arms. and then, he literally reads some scripture and says "amen"... um? what just happened? why was he reading his prayer? we were so confused. until one of our teachers pointed out the words for "pray" and "read" sound kinda similar.... turns out in our lesson we accidentally told him to "Pray the Book of Mormon, and Read as you pray"..... WHOOPS. we really meant to say, " read the Book of Mormon and Pray". so our next lesson we had a real nice chat explaining what we said wrong and how to fix it... I knew it was bound to happen sometime! Haha he just laughed at us. It was great.

Story #2: We have these language assessments where you get recorded speaking and answering questions. Except I was really distracted with everyone in the room saying a bunch of stuff in all different languages so I couldn't really focus on what I was trying to say. come to find out when we went back and listened to them with our teacher that "when you think you don't speak Khmer, just remember it's because you dont". HAHA. I answered one of the questions "We have prophets because we need prophets and Its really loud in here and christ...... and we have prophets". and that was all I said in the entire answer.... well better luck on the next one! haha now my teachers probably think I need some additional coaching or whatever. Its ok. It was mostly just a practice round. \

This week we got to host! Hosting is when you help the new missionaries out of their cars and carry their 100lbs (I kid you not) bags for them as they're ripped away from their crying families. IT WAS SO FUN, we get to do it again this wednesday!

Also, This week something realllllly cool happened. Remember how I said we may or may not be getting an apostle to speak to us, but probably would? well WE DID! Elder Neil L. Anderson of the 12 apostles came to the MTC just to talk to us! We sang a really gorgeous rendition of "More Holiness Give Me" in the Choir and then he shared some really good points with us. If I could write his whole talk on this email I would, but bc of time, I'll just give you the best of the best:

Sacrifice: "Don't ask 'what can I get from this experience/mission//service?', but ask 'what can I GIVE?'

Opposition: "everything in the Kingdom of God is uphill, going against the current. But building our testimonies will keep us grounded when the swift flood comes"

Adversary: "He works for our failure, so we don't give him much face time"

Deliverance: "John 14:18 (I invite you to read this chapter of the Bible) "I will not leave you comfortless"

In our district review of this meeting, our district leader (who also writes poetry) gave us a profound quote: "Salvation is reward enough for every sacrifice". It made me really think about what I sacrifice to be here as a missionary. Yes, I sacrifice my education, my everyday life, my music, my violin playing, my phone, and most of all, time with my family. But I don't think I always realize that there are so many in even my own district that make a way bigger sacrifice than I do just to be here. there are many who have no family support or gave up full scholarships to be here in the service of God and His children all over the world. I really have to take a step back and just realize how blessed I am! Elder Anderson also told us that sometimes we think life isn't fair because we sometimes have to make more sacrifices than others. He shared a scripture in D&C that God accepts all sacrifices and will help us all equally with what we need. Major comfort came from that talk! I love the Apostles. They are men called of God to lead us in truth in this confusing world!

My favorite talk of the week is Elder Holland's "Cast Not Away Therefore Your Confidence". It's about keeping firm in the faith and not doubting. This life is full of doubts, every day we make decisions that could impact us for life. I invite you all to read this talk. It is amazing!

Funny things from this week:

- The district plays "what are the chances" every meal without fail. It is the funniest thing in the world. You say "what are the chances you will ____ "ie: eat that icecream without hands" and then count down and say a number all at once. If it's the same number THEY HAVE TO DO IT! it's hilarious. I had to eat my cereal and milk just from my tray. Gross.

- District Bball is going really well. Usually I actually score a few shots. Sisters guard sisters, therefore, there is a lot of screaming in each other's faces and traveling. No one got rules. It's all good.

- The christmas lights outside. Never been happier about boiled eggs in the morning before. I literally sing all the way to the cafeteria. SO MANY WEIRD LOOKS.

Have a great week everyone, I love you ALL!!!!!

Sister Haddock

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