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what happens when: "the eagle is flying for THE LAST TIME"

សួស្តី​! សុខ​សប្បាយ​ទេ? ខ្ញុំមិនដឹងថាត្រូវមាន អារម្មណ៍អ្វីឥឡូវ​នេះ ដោយសារតែខ្ញុំជិតបញ្ចប់ បេសកកម្មរបស់ខ្ញុំ។

I hope you will come to my mission report on Sunday March 26th in Heber City, UT. 9 am. Cobblestone church in Heber City, UT.

Well. We've made it. Almost a whole 18 months. An entire year and a half has come and gone and for those of you who still read these, THANK YOU. You are really kind. Your perseverance is amazing and much appreciated. I guess as I was pondering what to tell about in my very last weekly mission report home (limited time on my last p-day next week), I decided to share about missionary work and some of the lessons I've learned on my mission.

To start off, I should explain that I've learned SO much in my time here. Holy Cows. It's been the best time of my entire life. There is no way we would have enough time to go through it all, but if I had to sum everything up in to one point it would be this:

We are all part of an eternal family which has been given a purpose, plan, and destination by our loving Heavenly Father. This gives us hope because if we diligently seek to follow our brother Jesus Christ, it'll all work out! He makes everything possible. He is the only person that can help us reach our potential and fulfill the Father's plan for us.

One more thing that I've learned as a missionary here in Cambodia is that happiness is a choice! I think many missionaries might have the same learning experience in their missions as I did because it's true, the work ain't easy! for a long time early into my mission, I would say "well, just hold out until... you know the language better, it's not so hot, or you change areas etc." BUT no. It clearly doesn't work like that. I knew that I had been promised joy from my missionary efforts. I've been promised great joy that will be mine forever because of my mission. The joy was there all along in those early months, I was just blinded to it for a while. I wasn't recognizing the examples around me that showed that true happiness is not something you wait for, but it's something you have to find for yourself. It's something to be created. Happiness can be found in all sorts of places. Even in the jungle. Even in the heat and humidity, and even in the eyes of the poorest, most troubled people. Happiness is a choice! Since I realized this, I've been feeling the joy of missionary work and the gospel Jesus Christ every single day and I am so grateful for it. There were still many ups and downs, not every day here is sunshine and rainbows. Actually, most days are just really hot sunshine and sweaty, but there are cute khmer kids everywhere and coconuts galore! What else could we need?

Other than those two main lessons that i've learned on my mission, I have lists and lists of other things I've learned about missionary work and life in Cambodia. I have time to share just a few:

- When you speak Khmer, your voice either goes way high or way low

-Miracles are EVERYWHERE.

- Everything we do is because of our love for Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father, and the people.

- I will never be called "barang" (french person) again.... darn it.

- Everyone has struggles. EVERYONE. Yet, they are still happy somehow.

-Distance does make the heart grow stronger... Cafe Rio, I'm coming for you!

-Everything in Cambodia (and probs most 3rd world countries) must be done in the least effective way possible. This includes directing traffic, building structures, and selling stuff.

-God is especially aware of His missionaries.

-Guardian angels do exist. There are a lot of them. Everywhere. Especially for missionaries in Cambodia.

-Everyone will learn at their own pace; the timing that God has set for them. For some, it will take 20 years and then all of a sudden, they will change so many lives.

-Cauliflower. Bleaching it, cooking it and steaming it and then cooking it again apparently does not kill the bugs on it...

-Really terribly composed, recorded and poly tonal crash noises are accepted in some parts of the world as "music"

-There are people who still think the world is flat... and that Jesus is french... sorry to burst that bubble.

-Being asian has SO many perks ya know?

-Sometimes you have to DTR really early into the companionship. hahaha

-There are people really searching for the truth, they just don't know where to find it!

-Sometimes if you just open your mouth, God literally fills it with words much more powerful than your own.

-No amount of preaching without the testifying power of the Holy Ghost will ever impact anyone toward their conversion.

-The 1st smile after being baptized is a perfect one.

-The Gospel means CHANGE!

-Jesus heals. He loves us much more than we will ever know.

and last but not least, don't forget to CTR. righteously remember to cook the rice it's way important for your health and companionship unity!

Some of my favorite missionary moments include washing clothes for an old member, yelling "free car wash" until I lost my voice, and sitting down in a lesson as mice ran up and down the sides of the alley we were teaching in. I know that sounds crazy. It's not something the old Whitney Haddock would've done. or even lived through haha. BUT I LOVE IT.

What am I supposed to do when I can't just sit on a bamboo bed under mango tress and read scriptures with dirty kids and their flea covered dog? the re-entry back into real life is going to be an interesting one. If it was up to me, I would never leave. Ever!

"We share the Gospel because we know that it will help others become better, happier people. But the blessings for us are priceless!" That is the truth, everyone. I realize the blessings I've received as a missionary are much more than I ever imagined. It's not fair really because i'd love to wrap them all up and toss one to each of the amazing people I've met here one by one. However, I know the Lord has blessed them too. I can't explain my gratitude towards the precious opportunity of serving a mission. It's like in Mosiah 2:20-24. All He requires is that we are obedient, charitable, diligent, and willing. Then He makes us into something we could never ever accomplish on our own. It's that power that He lends us that goes forth to influence the people around us. And yet, we are still blessed for the work and receive joy that I can't even express.

Mosiah 2:41 has become one of my favorite scriptures to share because it is so simple. If we want to be happy, we just keep the commandments. God made it so simple that even those who would be living in the smallest wooden shacks in the deepest jungle of Cambodia could receive all the blessings He enjoys. That "never ending state of happiness" is not so far out of reach for any of us! It's amazing! It's life changing!

God loves us. He is our Father. He is merciful. He sent His Son. I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to serve as a representative of Jesus Christ. I love Him and His marvelous work. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I cannot wait to see all of you. I'll be outta here and back to the mother land next week!


សូមសុខសប្បាយ​! លា​ហើយ!


ស៊ីស្ទើរ ហត់ដក

Sister Haddock

Sister Hotdog

Sister កូរ៉េ

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