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What Happens When: We've Made it to 2017


Hello everyone! The year of 2016 has been the craziest, most difficult, busy, hot, but greatest, most spiritual, life-changing, and incredible year of my WHOLE life! Given that I'm only 20 years old, so I don't have a lot of years to compare this one to, I'm SO grateful for the past year I've spent here and for all the blessings. lessons, and miracles that the Lord has given me to help me become better and help the people around me be happy!

Some of the most important lessons I have been taught in the past year include:

- Happiness is a choice

- "life is perfect for none of us"

- Jesus loves us!

- There are 3 stages of culture shock:

1. you love everything because you're too excited to care

2. you are annoyed by everything because it's all done so inefficiently compared to how it used to be

3. you get over your irritations and you just love everything for the way it is

- There really are guardian angels for missionaries. Even when you're just biking home!

-having a companion is.... wow. It will make you a better person!

- missions make you want to do the dishes for your parents at home

-when it's time for someone to learn, they will learn. when it's not their time, God will really tell you!


-Everything in life is a choice or a consequence from a choice!

-Sister missionaries are probably the most powerful things ever..........

-there are many levels of gratitude

and last but not least,


There has been so much going on in the past year that It would take forever to share them all, but I want to share that because of the past year of my life, I know for sure the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only way to everlasting happiness, peace, and hope in this life! Families really are forever and Heavenly Father really does loves us perfectly!

I started on my 4th transfer in Toulsangke this week. Glad to still be here because this is THE BEST ward in all of cambodia. We had a rockin ward NYE party which involved a full on hair/makeup rehearsal of the nativity scene, traditional khmer dancers, a HUGE raw cow over a roasting spit, a dance floor, flashy lights, and all the members and neighbors down the street in attendance. SO FUN. Our funny ward went on til like 3 am... but of course we went home and counted down til 9:30pm and that was the end of that..nonetheless, I love New Years in Cambodia. We're literally crazy about it! of course international new years is the smallest. Next comes Chinese and then they have a HUGE Khmer New Year for like a week straight in April.

I really wish I could send you pictures (mostly of the big cow... I wasn't even scared!) but my card reader broke so..... next week?! I love and miss you all! hope you have a wonderful start to the new year. Make a bucket list. This year is going to be the best one yet!

p.s. I learned how to make duck egg bread this week. #stillloveasia


Sister Haddock

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