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What Happens When: It doesn't snow in Cambodia


Sorry if this email is short and bland... this week went by too fast! And it's pretty average around here in the mtc. Except, It has been snowing all day here, and I bet you can guess from my subject line -- my district was not prepared for the snow! We all packed for 90-100 degree 99% humitidy... therefore, on the one day it snows, we just laugh and laugh because of how pathetic our attire looks :) Don't worry mom, I will survive the next 14 days we have left in my rolled up fuzzy socks tucked into my crocks and sweatshirts piled over my head! Yep I said it. We only have 14 days left!!!! I can't believe it! I get really weirded out because my district thinks we should be a nervous and it's scary that we will be in cambodia in 14 days, but honestly, I think it's the most exciting thing ever!

This week we had the opportunity to skype a REAL CAMBODIAN! haha I know that sounds awfully pathetic, but sometimes I feel like after the MTC we're just going to go home, and that was it! But now, Cambodia is starting to become a real place with real people that I really get to help! I can't contain my excitement! So TRC skyping was really awesome. We talked with a girl named Nisiay. She is actually an old mission companion of our teacher, Sister Davis when she served in Cambodia! So exciting! though the video quality was awful and we couldn't actually hear anything she was saying, the parts that I did hear, and everything I said to her seemed to make sense! Nisiay messaged our teacher after and said my companion and I actually speak really well! she was impressed, so I am very very relieved and happy!

THIS WEEK WE GET FLIGHT PLANS. As you can tell, I'm overly excited for everything this week. We get our papers that say how early in the middle of the night we will be leaving!!! SO EXCITED!

this week we got to be in this activity on wednesday for the first day for the new missionaries. They got to see us knock a door and talk with a real investigator right in front of them! It was really cool to see how far we have come since our first day being here. The new misisonaries carry the discussion after my companion and I start it off, and wow... I was scared out of my mind for the investigator. Luckily, they have pre-training to know what to expect, but I was super uncomfortable with how much of a struggle the new missionaries were having trying to explain the first lesson. WOW we have come so far in so little time. I'm SO grateful!

By Wednesday this week, I will have the entire 1st vision memorized. Its JSH 1: 16-17 if you wanted to look it up and read it. In Khmer, it is really interesting! and I love it. It's really powerful.

Elder Hugo Montoya came this week, he said:

"Smile, Forget yourself, be bold, and do something of worth everyday!"

I have realized that in everyday life, even if not being a missionary, whatever the world throws at you, just throw a smile back. I really think that if we do that simple thing, we could be basically invincible. So, I invite you all to smile this week. Lots and lots. Because we have so much to be grateful for!

Also, real quick, the church is putting out the Christmas video like #becauseofhim video from last year. This years is AMAZING. We got to see it yesterday before the rest of the whole world. This video is going to change lives. I invite you to share it share it share it!!!!! It will be out Nov. 29 it's called A Savior Is Born. Facebook the heck out of it please! I know you will love all the kiddos in it as much as I did. Ok, I gotta go now. Have a great week everyone, I love you all and thank you for your prayers and letters. You inspire me!


Sister Haddock

My Awful outfit. yes those are fuzzy socks pulled over my rolled up men's sweatpants.

you wouldn't even believe how crazy of an outfit you can put together for p-day here.

Selfie because I can

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