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Suisadaay!!!! (by the way, I really don't know how to spell anything in khmer, so I just guess), BUT HELLO!!! how are you doing? I bet you can guess why I'm so chipper and will be so chipper for the whole next week. 7 DAYS TIL CAMBODIA!!! can you believe it? yeah me neither! This email will be quite boring, but bear with me, in about 7 DAYS my emails are about to get a full on explosion of excitement!

So we went all day friday expecting to get our flight plans (paper with your travel schedule) because we just wanna know when we are going to Kampuchia! after checking the mailbox 3 times with no success, we were all so depressed. We had been promised plans by friday night! BUT right before we left for the residences, our District Leader Elder Mendenhall, said he had something important to discuss... low & behold, he whipped out our flight plans! Being the saint that he is, he had gone to the mailbox just one last time while we were all teaching our investigators. AND THEY WERE THERE! I haven't heard so much squealing of excitement in a really long time. SO MUCH HAPPINESS. According to our plans, we will be leaving the MTC at 11:30 am tuesday morning and get to Cambodia at 10:30 Thursdaymorning. Talk about tired! I'm so excited! Chances are, we will get there and go contacting straight off the plane. YIKES. but still, so excited!

This week for TRC Skype we taught this sweet member named Samali. She was the cutest thing! she introduced herself and asked to share a scripture with US! LOVE IT. she shared about how important families are. We then shared a short message about being a member missionary and being an example to her friends. Then she accepted, or "yuel proomed" as we like to call it, an invitation to share the gospel with a family member in Cambodia. She was really nice and happy to meet with us even though it was probably midnight in Cambodia. SO excited to probably meet her in person! She was laughing at us when we tried to explain we would be there in a week! It still doesn't feel like cambodia is a real place... I think she was a bit thrown off when she asked where I was from and I said Utah... she was probably like "but you look sooo asian". I could see it in her face. I've been told many times how much cambodians love koreans, so maybe this will be interesting! My teacher Lokkruu Mickelson made sure to tell me that the lord sent me to cambodia because of who I am. He explained the missionaries find a few people to teach through free english classes, but he said I can gather bunches of people to teach because of my korean face :) love it. who knows, maybe they have kimchi there. That would probably make my whole life.

So it's Thanksgiving this week! so excited! for thanksgiving we will have a day full of singing, a general authority devotional, more singing, make 300,000 packages of food for our fellow utahns, and more singing! seriously so much scheduled music time It makes me laugh. I am sad though, because our teachers might have to say goodbye to us early because of the holidays. We all know it's gonna be a tear fest. I love my teachers so much! they are the biggest help and they are all so wise and patient with us. I can't even explain how much we adore each of them!

Elder Kim B. Clark came for devotional on tuesday. He is a great speaker. Such inspiring and straight forward answers to all of our questions.

- fun facts of the week:

MOM, I know you remember the Dalley's in springville. Well I do anyway, and I happened to run into one of their sons, Josh, at breakfast on sunday. He is going to korea, and we just happened to be sitting by some korean missionaries, and he passed by and he looked super familiar, so I asked one of the korean sisters what his name was, and YEP he's Elder Dalley! and he came over and REMEMBERED MY NAME... like whatt! It's been like 10 years or so and he still remembers you too. So that's cool. Glad I got to see him.

Heber friends - I was sitting in this "film" it was a showing of a past devotional from christmas last year by Pres. Neilson. And guess who's face flashed accross the screen: Sister Adrienne Hone. She was one of my cute friends from high school. If anyone knows how to tell her her face will forever more be shown in the MTC films every sunday night, please do. Because I thought it was hilarious that I knew her and she will never know that her face is here all the time!

This week I compared the size of my dog back home to the size of my khmer scriptures and I got the full on "you know you're a missionary when..." chat. Well. you make do with what you have!

Mom, I got a christmas countdown calendar like the one you get us every year from sister Luke's parents! It made me think of you. So happy for the holidays!

Happy thanksgiving everyone! Please know how lucky you are to have family and food and a warm home. Where I will be in 7 days, that's not the case. At all. I don't even know anything about gratitude yet. But I'm sure in the next few months I will really begin to appreciate all the blessings we have where we live.

Love you all! thanks so much for everything!

Have a great, safe holiday,

Sister Haddock

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