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What Happens When: We Bring the Zoo to the Zoo


This week has been crazy fun! We had lots to learn and lots of experiences that are one of a kind! Including our trip to the zoo last p-day. We decided to call for a van to take us about an hour away to a river resort and zoo in the middle of nowhere, but we didn't know that a ton of members would be coming with us, so first we started out with a 12 seater van and 12 people. AND THEN we picked up members after members on the way until there were 24 of us in this little van with very little AC. It was quite the experience. Basically when we all tumbled out of the van at the zoo, we probably caused enough commotion for the random visitors that they that we were funnier to watch than the ostriches! Haha, all in all, it was a good day, and Zoos in cambodia are quite unsanitary, but what isnt ;) Hymn Class is one of the best parts of the week here in Kampong cham. Even though we sing the same song a billion times, I'm really glad the members are interested in learning the hymns better. The hymn book just came out here not very long ago, so we are working on helping the members skoal the songs a bit better and the spirit can be really song when we sing the hymns of the lord!

This week we got a new investigator named Sao, she is the sister of one of the members in our branch. The elders taught her one lesson before and they showed us where her house was so we could visit her. We have met her twice already and she is doing so great. She just soaks it all up! She's 20 and super kind. I love her already!

We had an exceptionally great zone conference this week with Pres and Sis Christensen. Everyone says they have the best mission president, but me and all of Cambodia knows that we have the best one out there! We learned some really fascinating stuff about a new focus on Family History work. From Joseph Smith history, we can read about Joseph's experience when Angel Moroni visited him 4 times. Every time, Moroni told Joseph about 2 things: The Book of Mormon, and family history work (the spirit of Elijah). So we are putting a hard emphasis on the Book of Mormon and Family History work to help with re-activation and retention. The Book of Mormon is the keystone. Without it, all would crumble. so, we are going to encourage reading a lot more. right now, there is a huge problem with people not having reading glasses or they can't read at all, so we are trying different things to help them so they can read the Book of Mormon. It's an essential key to conversion! We are on the hunt for magnifying glasses at all the $0.60 stores here! We learn from passed talks and in the scriptures that missionary work and family history are the SAME WORK. There is a great quote from Elder Packer's last conference talk ever that goes something like: The end for all activity in the church is to see families happy at home, and sealed for eternity. That is true! We are working continuously on getting family history work started here, but of course there are limitations like the fact that there are absolutely NO physical records of people or anything, so we have senior missionaries and other people working with the church departments to find some ways to get this going. It's amazing to see all the doors and miracles opening up to help us out. I know soon, there will be a way for these amazing people! I'm way excited.

The word "digrity" is our new motto after president told us we as Cambodian missionaries are defined as "dignified cowboys". I like it. He says we have Grit + Dignity, so Digrity it is!

We have continued to teach Jariyaa, she went to her hometown for a little bit this weekend though, so she wasn't able to get baptized. hopefully next week! She is doing so well. For her ability of learning and understanding, she is blowing our minds with her answers every time we visit. she has a real testimony and you can tell she loves the gospel with her whole heart! I love meeting her.

Well, that's about all I've got for now, I ate durian this morning for the first time... it wasn't awful. Kinda like a soggy sweet onion. but the smell......!

Life is good, the mangoes keep coming, and the work is hastening for kampongcham 2. All is well! have a great week everyone, thanks for your support and prayers! i really love hearing from you all! Love,

Sister Haddock

selfies at the zoo!

The van BEFORE we stuffed 12 more people in it

The river!

I tried to share a snack with the raindeer. They also have black bears behind cages upclose and metal like that too, because that is safe!

The Members at the river resort

more members at the zoo

Cutting coconuts open!

THE Bamboo bridge

Exchange with Sister Larsen!

Members give us mangos everyday

this bat got bit by a large red ant and tried to die on our balcony

Hiang (10 years old)

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