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What Happens When: there are 2 angels before us

Hello family and friends! I hope you all had a wonderful week!

This week was pretty normal, nothing too crazy, not too much rain, and we had a few good lessons with some new potential investigators! Kampongcham has been blessed with a new senior couple this week! or "2 angles" in the words of one of the speakers at the meeting to introduce them to the members. So funny, but right on. Elder and Sister Curtis are going to be miracle workers here in KC. And they speak Khmer enough to stand and bear their testimonies and pray! Everyone is just blown away at how cool they are! I hope to serve a whole bunch of couple missions someday just like them. We have been attending singing practice a ton this week to get the youth ready for district conference (stake conference but for branches) this weekend. They're singing "Come Unto Christ" which is one of my favorite songs I sang when I was a yw too! For now, they're singing it in english, but they're also singing Come Thou Fount in Khmer which is super pretty actually. I love being able to play the piano. Even if it is a little keyboard, with 1/2 broken keys, we'll take what we can get :) We have had potential investigators literally just popping up everywhere. All our contacting last week paid off! We haven't been able to actually have a lesson with any of them yet because of rain or some other reasons, but we hope to have lots of practice teaching the first lesson this week. Sister Nit and I have been focusing on learning the second lesson about the Plan of Salvation this week. In training, we practice teaching and learning how to teach certain points to help the investigators understand simply and clearly. This week we put our practice to the test and taught some Recent Converts in our ward lesson 2. It's so important to really understand that all of the plan and our Heavenly Father's purpose for us as His children all relies on the Atonement of Jesus Christ. If you take away Christ, there is NO plan. It doesn't work! We helped the recent converts really see that concept and they were super excited about it and you could really see the gratitude they had realized for Christ's Atonement. In district meeting this week, we talked about how imperfect people can be exactly obedient. It's such a common phrase that "exact obedience brings miracles" but we have all been wondering how do you be exactly obedient? There is always going to be something more to work on or do better. We decided that it comes down to faith and the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Faith requires intent or desire to want to be obedient for the right reasons. Desire for change. As missionaries we need to be obedient because it is an act of faith and faith brings miracles! We also are required to change our lifestyle so that we can help invite others to change theirs. The only way to truly change is to repent and turn from the past by using the power of His Atonement. It's AMAZING! This week we biked out across the bamboo bridge again. Hopefully soon it will rain enough to submerge it. They were literally cutting the bridge down with a spinning blade while we were riding across it. #safe. how fun is that! On the way back, 1/2 the path was just a big whole. We did service at this old grandpa's house out there on the island again. We hoed this field in his back yard so he can re-plant it and then he gave us some mangoes. Not complaining! It was a morning well-spent. Then, in the afternoon, we attended a party for Relief Society ladies. Only 4 people showed up, but they all sang hymns with us sisters as we made some noodles. Super fun!

Ming Ravi got baptized yesterday!!!!!!! SO HAPPY FOR HER. She finally got to be baptized! She was way excited. and soon, her son will be baptized too! She's probably one of the most active members in our branch already. She has the longest church attendance streak I've ever seen from an investigator! Her son Hiang, has been reading the Book of Mormon like crazy. He loves telling us about Nephi and his "crazy bad brothers". I love it!

That's about all for this week! Not too much crazy, just good old Kampongcham.

Have a great week!


Sister Haddock


Ming Ravi's Baptism

Julie is 9 years old and has my face as her screen saver

OmJanton (hilarious old lady in KC) bought me a crab....... didn't dare eat it.

Om Janton was just chilling at Ming Ravi's house on Saturday night. Who knew they were friends?

stairway to....Han chey heaven

Singing with the RS ladies making noodles

Because I love mangoes. Wat Han Chey is a monk school/ wats with huge fruit and veggie statues. Weirdest place ever...

Old Buddhist temple at Wat Han Chey

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