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What Happens When: Hot Season Comes Back Blazin'

Hello! It is a blazin' 45 degrees Celsius out here, everyone! In the passed few weeks we were pretty sure we had overcome the heat and stepped into rainy season, but we thought too quickly I guess because it has stopped raining and the heat is BACK. The field behind our house got a little burnt down this week, but that's alright... hopefully it will rain soon and we will see those beautiful lotus flowers again soon!

This week was pretty slow because of the heat, though we did find some MORE potential investigators! It's like they're just popping up everywhere! I'm a firm believer that if we show faith through putting in efforts to contact down the streets, the Lord will provide and plot twist we actually receive a lot of referrals!! It's weird how it works that way, but we'll take it! We had a good lesson with this one new girl named Siinae. She actually called us back, wanting to learn after she was given to us as a member referral. This is HUGE... no one ever calls us back! :) So we met with her, and she drove all the way across the bridge just to meet us. Pretty cool. I really hope to meet with her again soon.

Weird experience this week: I saw "special meat" before it was made into the meat.... we were standing on a street corner talking with a member for a few minutes and I hear this growling noise but when I looked around all I saw was a guy on a moto speeding down the street, and then I saw this sack tied to the back of the moto and the growling and barking was coming from the sack and it was wiggling around and you betcha, that was a sack of "special meat" on the way to the grill. You can say that "doggie bag" has a different meaning around here....

I guess I haven't updated on what I've been eating lately... add baby duck eggs, mangosteen, pig blood and chicken feet to the list. All were good, well actually chicken feet was kinda weird. It was in my curry-noodles so at least there was flavoring! Sometimes you just never know what you're gonna get!

A few of the less-active members we have been teaching for a while have become re-active! Bei Bei and her sister Yi Yi have changed a ton since I first met them, and now even though they're busy, we have seen them at church for the past 4 weeks. YES! Bei Bei has received a new calling and her boyfriend is now learning with the Elders in Branch 3. YES! and we are teaching Bei Bei and Yi Yi's younger bother now too! YES! YES! YES! This family is seeing a lot of blessings coming to their lives through their effort in keeping the commandments.

We had district conference (like stake conference but for a branch) with Elder Kenikam from the Asia quorem of the 70 this weekend. This Elder is way cool, such a great and simple speaker. He and the mission President Christensen spoke on the importance of having a happy family and each member holding a temple recommend. Even though we're far from a temple here, we have a goal to help every single member here in Kampong Cham to be worthy of a temple recommend in 3 months!

That's about all I got for this week, We're about to go play with some vicious monkeys out in the mountains... wish me luck. Love you all! Have a great first week of summer!


Sister Haddock

P.S. for as much as we bike and as dirty as it is here, sisters in this mission prefer to wear skirts... but we'll see what the actual rule will be for us here in the future. #skirts4life ;)

Hiang our 10 year old investigator and his aunt in a lesson. At first his aunt didn't like the sisters AT ALL, but lately she's given us mangoes, sat in a little bit and listened, and even says bye when we leave. WOW!

goats out for some exercise being herded by a moto

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