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What Happens When: We Party Party Party


I will have a really hard time when I go home and putting your hands together in front of your chin is no longer a normal greeting...

I know from the pictures I send, my mission looks like it's just one big party... because it is! Though it's hot and humid and sometimes people don't really want to party with us, the crazy fun that comes from being a Cambodian missionary just makes every single day sabaay!

Monday was Elder Curtis's birthday so we had a party at SreyChin's again and Sister Curtis made home-made carrot cake. Not complaining! Then we went to teach Jariyaa who is doing great the 2nd time through the lessons. We had to start all over since she was gone for so long. She's super happy at church and just has the sweetest heart.

Tuesday, we had a party for district meeting because some of the elders in our zone were out of town to get bikes. They missed out, but we learned a lot about how to love your mission. :)

Wednesday was the semi-annual english class graduation party and we played way funny games like Telephone, 4 Corners, and group Rock Paper Siccors. We were way happy that new people came and stayed for the whole party! Hopefully they will come again next week and we can contact them. Some of our best investigators come from english class.

Thursday and Friday were adventures days. We had to go to Phnom Penh and buy new bikes. Now I have a flashy red bike that is way awkward for a girl in a dress, but with that new paint job, motos will definitely see me coming now. Staying at the mission home with the other KC sisters was fun and there may have been a trip the new one and only Krispy Kreme store and some khmer dress shopping at the psaa included. Cambodia is becoming more and more developed, really really fast! Every time I go to the city it looks different! Its good! I also got to see an old companion, Sister Nhem at the mission home. She finished her mission last transfer and I hadn't seen her since she left Kampongcham. Super weird to see her ride in on a moto, but compies make for life-long friends you know?

Saturday we had a huge, like HUGE Pioneer Day party. It's way bigger here than it is in Utah, which cracks me up! Anyway, I fiddled and the youth did a little pioneer dance and then they invited some of the members to dance with them. The pioneer dance only lasted like 15 minutes before they started traditional khmer tree circle dancing (google it), but ya know, it was good while it lasted. Our investigator Jariyaa attended and when they turned on the movie Legacy, she was so into it, she cried through like the whole thing. I don't blame her, that movie is way better in khmer! We also had a potential investigator attend the party and she came to church the next day. Her name is Bong Sinaet. She's super educated and just wants to read EVERYTHING. She saw some Liahona magazines on the shelf and asked to take a few and give them to her friends too. Then she downloaded General Conference on her phone. She has a English Book of Mormon and she's started reading. We haven't even gotten a chance to teach her yet! We pray that she'll keep up the energy and interest! She's a blessing for sure.

Sunday we were asked to speak in church about missionary work and I read my other favorite missionary's scripture from Ammon in Alma 26:12. BECAUSE OF CHRIST WE CAN DO ALL THINGS. Especially missionary work!

Have a great week, I love y'all! Miss you millions too.

Chomriabliah Soksabaay Nah!


Sister Haddock

PS here's how they get a bike from PP->KC and our thought process

1. Elders take the tires off - "stop crying, it's just a brand new bike"

2. shove the new bike under the bus- "act like it didn't cost $$$$"

3. hope you can put the tire back on again - "ok you can cry now"

Mosiah (yep thats his name) our downstairs neighbor gave them money....

The pioneer dance!

forgot to add that there was a monk parade of 200 monks outside our house one morning. So we stood outside and awkwardly took pictures with them and the great neakming that is our landlord.

It's like they're trick-or-treaking

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