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What Happens When: "I've Been Working on the RailRoad..."

... All the live long day...."

At least that's how I think the song goes..

Suisaday everyone! This week was pretty darn busy running up and down the railroad tracks finding members, contacting everyone that would talk to us, and finding new investigators!

The rail road in Phnom Penh runs all the way across the North Zone so I saw it lots in my training, and now it's part of my new area. There are lots of members and little kids there, so it's fun regardless of the garbage and nasty whatevers on the ground.

We did SO. MUCH. CONTACTING this week. This is not a door-contacting/tracting mission because that's actually illegal here, but we just walk up to people that are outside doing laundry or something and talk to them. We ended up teaching a few people that have learned with the missionaries a long time ago. They were cool and might be interested in learning more. That would rock.

We have 2 new investigators, Ming SokLim and BongKaka that are just supe golden. They both told us in the first 5 minutes that they are super excited to get baptized. So, they are just great! The Ming is the bishop's mom and the Bong is in a part-member family, so things are going well because they already know a lot about the gospel and have seen how the gospel blesses families!

I taught piano class here again yesterday and it was really good to teach music again. It's been a long time! The class was super speedy at understanding and now that I know a bit more khmer than I did last time I tried to teach music, it was really fun! Hopefully this will help the ward have some more options for a pianist and someone to lead the music.

Today in Personal Study (my favorite time of the day sometimes... ) I was reading in Luke 17 about the lepers and how Jesus heals them. I thought it was interesting that Jesus hears their call to heal them, but just says "show yourselves to the priests" and the lepers give no thought, but go. And it is only when they begin walking away obediently that they are healed. I think this really taught me a lesson because sometimes in life we have needs and know that Christ can help us, but we assume He will give the solution right to us and send us on our way. But in reality, sometimes we have to act in trust and faith first in order for His miracle to come. The lepers turned to leave before they were healed, sometimes we need to press forward and be obedient trusting that the blessings are coming. Just a thought for today!

My new comp-trainee is coming this week and I am way stoked. It will be fun to have a companion that went to the MTC again! That's all for now, I'm a little busy this week. Sorry if I didn't reply to your emails yet. I promise next week I will! Hope you all have a great week! I love and miss you all! also.... congrats to ALL of you that told me you're getting married........ :)


Sister Hotdog (the name has returned)

The tracks. this is the clean area....

This super "map" baby I love

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