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What Happens When: The City's on the Run

Hello Everyone!

Thanks for all the kind words everyone! I love hearing from you all! This week was literally the fastest and busiest and with what little time we had in between meetings and biking all the way to our far areas and to the stake center 3x's (like forever miles away) we got in a few lessons with our investigators. Good news is, we are really good at biking fast, our legs are only a little bit sore, and our investigators still love us as much as we love them! :) The only thing is that all 3 of our progressing investigators don't actually live in our area or are leaving the country... so we will be finding new investigators what live here and don't plan on leaving any time soon! The city is a crazy place. You can go to someone's house for months and then one day you go to their house and the literal house is not even there anymore. Sometimes they just pick up and move and never come back and don't tell anyone! Always on the run. That's just the Khmer way I guess! Always going places. We had this great koon (trainee/greenie/newbie/new missionary... etc) training on thursday and friday this week. It was super fun to meet up with all the new missionaries in our mission and get to know them a bit. I'm starting to notice this certain spiritual strength that all the missionaries have right when they get out of the MTC. It's amazing. I LOVE THE MTC. I can't even tell you how appreciative I am for the time we got to spend there. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity I swear! Anyway, We learned a ton about becoming deliberate disciples and the vision for our mission. President gave us this circle diagram: Personal Conversion -> Deliberate Discipleship -> Power to teach by the spirit --> Personal Conversion... That is the vision for this mission. All while helping God's children here. It's great! Elder Holland gave a great talk about being your first convert in the MTC once. I suggest it for anyone! We have started teaching Srey Nich, but I'm not sure if she will stay here or go to the area where her house is. We will just have to wait and see. She is even interviewing to find a new job that gives her sunday's off. LITERAL GOLD. We also had a super nice lesson with this really active Om (old lady) named Channa. She's the one that says if no one will give her a ride to church for $0.25 she will walk. And she does! She's like 75! She's so adorable and just kept telling us that when we come to teach her, it's like giving her food. She can't live without us, and reading scriptures with her is like adding spice to her "baaysaac" ("rice + meat"). It's so nice to meet with members that are just so loving in their own khmer way. It made my day and my koon loved that Om so much. Sister Snooks talked about her for days after that! That's basically all we got going on this week. We will have zone training tomorrow and I'm SO PUMPED for some changes we got coming to the mission. I love being a missionary and I love it when I get to smile all day and testify to people that Heavenly Father lives.He loves you! Have a great week, everyone. Love, Sister Haddock

The ToulSangKe district yáll

I can't do normal faces when I take selfies anymore. I'm getting too asian. Shucks.

We contacted the ladies on the tracks. They wanted to learn and a ton of little kids all ran and said "baranngggggg" ('french'). Best. Day. Ever.


Biking with a selfie stick (sorry mom I know that probably worries you) but then again, I know you love seeing my face.

MY FAMILY FROM THE MTC REUNITED (minus Elder Mendenhall..ah and sister Nguyen because she's now in the Vietnamese program.... darn it)

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