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WHW: Adventure #1 We Bike the Kilos and Meet the Mormons in KC

HELLO "CHOMRIAB SEWER" <--- if you say hello like that here, Khmers will make fun of you.

A picture's worth 1000 words and way more interesting than reading, so I'l do this week's events in "picture adventures".

Adventure #1 Includes out trip out 11 kilos towards Thailand to visit some less-active members out in the river village along the Tonle Sap. There was quite a bit of dust, biking, heat, sweat, broken stilt bridges, and laughs. All worth it because we got in a super good lesson and felt the spirit. Hurrah!

A view of the village from a cliff the member's 5 year old daughter helped us climb.

^^^see that little bridge... well Elder broke that one and they couldn't get to their drying fish for like 45 minutes.... oops. We said a lot of sorrys and tried to help them fix it.

I just have to tell you, I'm super into HSM jumping pics right now... so is the 5 year old daughter I guess. I LOVE CAMBODIAN KIDS. and my comp is a pro picture taker.

Then that night, we had one of the best lessons ever with our new investigator Ming. Her husband is a recent convert of the Elder's and this family has gone through so much change since they first started learning the gospel. Basically, the night the husband got baptized, he decided to move to a new, nice, clean, house where the spirit could dwell and to be away from his gambling drunk neighborhood. It was amazing. Then, since Ming started learning, they're all happier and more loving in their new house because they all desire to please the Lord! I can't even explain the miracles that happen for this family every day. It's insane! We will be meeting with them again tonight. YES.

In district meeting, we talked about the need for finding miracles in our every day work because our increasing understanding of the Atonement of Jesus Christ increases our desire to share His Gospel! LOOK FOR MIRACLES--> Feel Christ's love for others! It's great!

I had a GREAT TIME in KC (the jungle khet province... what ever you call it) at the open house. That is more explained in Adventure #2... but I guess I will just say right now that I am so grateful to be a part of this work as a full-time servant of the Lord. Seeing these people that I served a few months ago so excited and prepared and desirous to worship in a beautiful buidling was incredible! It was so nice to see them all again. Meeting all the Mormons in the jungle under a HUGE PARTYYYY tent outside the chruch was pretty darn fun. They take things way too fancy here.

Bong Pheap is still just as great

My recent convert Cariyaa and her mother who is not yet a member but has gone from not really welcoming to the Sisters to "let's take a picture, I'm so glad you are here!" There will be miracles for this family very soon. I feel it!

Playing violin during the open house before the dedication to over 600 people plus intense government officials!


I had a great week. I hope you did too! Miss yall.


Sister Haddock

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