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WHW: for adventure #2, In Honor of Halloween... We Eat... ???

Elder Walker and I got invited to return to our beloved area in the jungle and play the violin for the openhouse/dedication of the new beautiful church building.

So we hitched a ride with a senior couple out to the jungle (Kampong Cham)

and on the way we stopped to stretch out legs because man, that road is longgggg

^^^haha that is NOT me don't worry. That is the crew next to our very nice, safe car.

And we got hungry so we got a snack....

and yeahhhh if you need a closer look ---> THAT my friends, are DEEP FRIED TARANTULAS

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!! I hope you all get as tasty of a treat as I did. It actually was really good. I highly recommend it... just make sure you plucky off all the scaly hairs first... heeheehee


Sister Haddock

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