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What Happens When: We Share Oodles of Noodles


Regardless of my dumb subject line, (sorry I don't really english anymore anyway) I hope you all are having a great autumn week and got rained on as much as we did! Remember how last week I said the rain is letting up and it's starting to get hot? well, PSYCH it's flooding outside because it rained for 24 hours on sunday, NOT EVEN JOKING. It was a little sad for church because a lot of people can't get around when it's flooding so there weren't too many members there. We did have a good lesson with our Lookpu investigator though! He's successfully self-committed 2 weeks ago to stop drinking and smoking so he can become a follower of Jesus Christ. Even before we taught the Law of Health lesson. Super cool.

Noodles. Basically for p-day last week all we wanted to eat was noodles, so we did! and then when we went to a big FHE at a recent converts house, the family was worried they couldn't make enough food to feed everyone so we offered to bring a dish. well, we decided to be risky and bring spaghetti! THEY LOVED IT. I assured them that if they didn't like the ម្ហូបបារាំង " mhoob barang" foreigner food they didn't have to eat it. I loved watching their faces as we tried to explain that the sauce is not a soup, and you twist up the noodles and eat it. I've never seen a tiny 15 year old girl eat so much in one setting. So funny. They were laughing for all of dinner.

Then the next day, we were invited to lunch at a non-member's house but it got really awkward because we were meeting at her neighbor's house first who is a member. Then the member got confused and thought she was feeding us too, so we just had a big fermented fish guts soup and fish all together. that was some pretty real khmer food and I was super grateful for their kindness in feeding us. It doesn't happen too often, but just enough that we are so grateful every time. I really wish we would've taken spaghetti to this lunch too! There was a recent convert that attended the lesson with us who has had a lot of struggles since he got baptized. He has a desire to do better at keeping the commandments, so we are working with him repent daily and remember to pray for help.

SREY NICH GOT BAPTIZED. The girl that I wrote about last week who has been learning since my training. She was so cute and happy and has been working really hard to overcome a lot of temptation leading up to her baptism. It was cool to see her aunt, who was less-active when I got to the city again, there to help her and support her in her decision to get baptized. Good things are on the way for that family. I'm really happy for them.

Not too much crazy happened this week, we're mostly just staying caught up with lessons and trying to find new people to teach! We want to get this area ready for next transfer because it's almost time and almost guaranteed that one of us will be leaving this area. THATS WAY SAD. Also to think that the next area I go will 90% most likely be the last area of my entire mission makes me SO SAD. I CANT IMAGINE DOING ANYTHING ELSE EVER AGAIN. I hope you all have the best week! I love ya!


Sister Haddock

when your fave srey nich demands selfies on sunday!

My name tag got wrecked..... whoops... so now my new one says "hotdog"

The baptism!

THE VIEW of the city from across the bridge (quite the sky line right?? eh...)

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