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WHW: I Love ToulSangKe and Children...?


So we got transfer calls, and GUESS WHAT I'm staying here! In Toulsangke! AND i'm GETTING ANOTHER KID! ah. I think I have really found my purpose in life. To have a lotta kids. haha. Just kidding, but really though, I'm way pumped because this is kid/trainee #4! I guess everyone thinks this will be my last area, so if it is, I'm fine with that. I'm also super fine with my new comp because she is from KampongCham (my last area) and she is a mini-missionary (just like the majority of my comps) waiting for a visa to Australia! We are super trovknia. Even though I want to be selfish and make her stay here with me for 2 transfers, I pray that she gets her visa fast because I want her to experience what Christmas is like outside of this Buddhist country! haha. My new comp and I were really good friends in my last area because she helped us teach and came to all the missionary classes so I know she'll be really good. I'm WAY sad to let Sister Snooks leave though because she is honestly the best companion ever! That's why she's needed in other areas I guess.

This week was really just full of random stuff and a lot of food appointments. #rareblessings

It is the annual Water Fest this week so we are to stay away from half our area because it's right on or over the river. There are these huge long canoes racing with a ton of rowers on each boat and there are a million more people here in the city than usual apparently, so we are staying far away and on the edge of our area for a few days.

We always try to ask for stuff to help with when we get to people's houses and they usually never let us do anything to help them, but then when we asked Ming Nari this week she was like "YES. Can you do my hair and paint on my eyebrows?" "um yeahhhh we can do that!" So we accepted a service project straightening hair and painting nails (cuz we don't even do our eyebrows whoops) for some of the ladies in the ward this week. They just laughed and thought it was the funnest thing. One of the ladies got two different colors of nail polish and I just told them it was "korean style" and she was like "YES" Hey, service is service right? and we are going to cut down some bushes on the tracks today for the same ladies so I think we are pretty good friends now. Service is something I miss a lot from the khets that we don't get in the city as much. We had a great spiritual thought given by one of the vietnamese elders at english class this week about the Book of Mormon. He used the example of maps and how the Book of Mormon is a map for our lives and it went really well and we got some very awesome potential investigators interested in reading after that. On Saturday we had a really delicious Khmer curry dinner with Ming Soklim (the Bishops mom) and Bishop's family and I got to know Bishop's sister who has been a member for over 10 years but hasn't been active for a really long time. I think we became really good friends and I am super happy i'm staying here in TSK with this family. They are so amazing! There was a ton of amazing good things that happened this week, but I don't have a ton of time, so I guess it'll have to wait until next week! Have a good week! Miss you all!


Sister Haddock

P.S. Everyone in Cambodia except the missionaries know about politics in America right now. Even people in the print shops are going crazy!

So I only have everyday life pics this week...

Some kids we see yelling "'hello you french what is your name" everyday The tracks we bike everyday Biking through traffic everyday

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